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Seefeldt Institute/Peer Groups: Image
Seefeldt Institute/Peer Groups: Image
Business Conference


An Affiliate of Strategic Solutions Consulting

Seefeldt Institute/Peer Groups: Projects


We are collaborating with the Wisconsin Family Business Center (FBC) which is affiliated with the
Wisconsin School of Business at UW Madison, to bring peer groups for CEOs and Future Leaders to
Northeast Wisconsin this fall (2023). Our two organizations have been collaborating for the past couple
of years to provide similar peer groups in the Madison and Milwaukee areas.

More information on our peer groups:

What: Two facilitated peer groups

  • One for family business CEOs

  • One for Future Leaders (the younger generation) in family businesses

Meeting Frequency and Duration: Each peer group will meet once a month for
approximately 6 hours

Where: The Fox Valley Region

Goal: Our peer groups will provide a confidential environment for family business professionals who encounter the unique opportunities and challenges of being involved in a family business; participants will be able to connect with other family business owners, leaders, or future leaders. Benefits include peer-to-peer learning, support, problem solving, personal and professional development. 


Topics, Content, and Process: Topics may include succession, the transition of ownership & leadership, family dynamics, business strategy, leadership development, communication and conflict management, etc. In addition, subject matter experts will be brought in from time to time as speakers. to present content that is of interest to peer group members. Finally, the group will offer a trusted environment where people can be open about their personal, professional, and family issues and concerns, share information and learn from one another, and look at their own growth and development as leaders.


Facilitation: Our peer groups are led by a trained facilitator with expertise in family businesses.


For more information on our peer groups or if you would like to join, please contact:


Shipra Seefeldt, President of SSC/the Seefeldt Institute for Family Business

(920) 730-2705


Sherry Herwig, Director of the Wisconsin Family Business Center

(608) 441-7347


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